Grow Your Mind


- Grow Your Mind

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he..." (Proverbs 23:7)

The first thing I would like to tell you today is that true success begins in the mind. Never forget that. Our theme verse says "as a man thinks, so he is". Thus, you can never outgrow your mind. Your potential is tied to the elasticity of your mind. To outgrow your present situation, you have got to outgrow your present mentality. Your mindset is your resident permit for certain conditions. That is, an impoverished mindset can't find itself residing in an affluent condition. It's got to grow.

Take for instance; God had the land of Promise set on a platter of gold for the children of Israel, yet many couldn't enter because of unbelief. Do you know what unbelief is? It is a state of mind that tells you reassuringly that nothing is possible. First, we see them call the adversary giants and themselves grasshoppers, devaluing their chances of victory, unless you've seen a grasshopper beat down a giant before. But then came Caleb who believed they had it in them to conquer, and God commended him for having a different spirit in him and he ended up in glory.

Your faith is meant to affect your mindset. As a spiritual being, it is meant to be influenced by your spirit. The old man is suppose to be interchanged with the new; hence, changing the way you speak, think, act and live; which altogether changes what comes toward you. 

Appreciate what Paul said in Philippians 4:8; he noted that to grow your mind as God desires, receive only thoughts that agree with the Word of God. The Word is a seed; once it resides in your mind, it bears a tree of fruits that would keep replicating events that align with its seed.

So, to see the difference you've been expecting, start now by growing your mind with the Word.


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