Don't Stop Telling It



- Don't Stop Telling It

"We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:20 NLT)

The Bible tells us that the apostles had been spreading the Gospel of Christ after they were filled with the Holy Ghost; and on this day on their way to pray, Peter and John healed a 40 years old man that had been lame from birth. In the light of this, they continued publishing the testimony of Jesus, but were soon arraigned by the Jewish leaders who threatened them to stop telling people of Christ Jesus. 

Even in the face of death, they yet testified of Jesus to these folks (Acts 4:8-12). And seeing they could not deny the evident truth, they thought to use fear as a weapon against the apostles (v.13-18). But the apostles asked them if it was right to obey them instead of God who had called to spread the Good News of Christ to the world around (v.19) (see Mark 16:15).

And then they said in tandem, "We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we saw Jesus do and heard him say" (v.20 TLB). In the same vein, God doesn't expect us to stop speaking of His testimonies. He tells us to tell it to our children and theirs (Joel 1:3). The same applies to our testimony of the gospel till as many as possible are saved. 

David said he would sing of God's mercies and make known His faithfulness to all generations (Psalm 89:1-2). You too can do the same. Start with your generation today. Go out there, spread Christ's grace to the world by simply introducing someone else to Him.


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