Be A Cheerful Giver


- Be A Cheerful Giver

"Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift]." (2 Corinthians 9:7 AMP)

Never forget that it isn't just giving that moves God, but giving cheerfully. 

Anybody can give; but not everybody can give right. A lot of people give with ulterior motives, but only a few truly give with their hearts in their giving. Jesus spoke of a few Jews who gave abundant coins to the treasury of the temple, but still it had no value, possibly because they were only giving to have people cheer them; and to these He says they have received their reward. Because they didn't give as God expected them to, they received nothing from Him. Because they gave amiss, His blessing missed them.

But He also spoke of a woman in the same chapter who gave less than a penny, and still praised her because it was all she had to give and gave it heartily. 

Now get this: He didn't only commend her because she gave all she had, but because she gave it from a pure heart free of compulsion but full of love for God.

A lot of people give, but not with their hearts fully immersed in their giving, and so God doesn't approve them. The Bible says in whatever we do, we must do it heartily as unto the Lord (Col 3:23); and in 2 Corinthians 8:12, the scripture says as long as you have a heart to give, regardless of size, it is acceptable unto God. And believe me, being a cheerful giver has its own advantages.

Consider Barnabas for instance. His account in scripture opened up on the basis of his cheerful generosity. It says he sold a property of his just to help alleviate the poverty of others in line with God's will (Acts 4:36-37). And after that we read about great things concerning him. 

Cheerful giving opens up doors for us that nothing else can. It breaks fountains of grace that we may be overwhelmed with an overflow. Thus, I admonish you to indulge in giving with all of your heart. Don't let the fear of uncertainties hold you back, God is able to sufficiently bless you beyond your needs (2 Corinthians 9:8-11). Remember that!


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