


- Watch

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise" (Ephesians 5:15)

The admonition of Jesus to watch and pray is one we mustn't take lightly or ignore if we must get all God has in store for us. Paul tells us to redeem the time (v. 16); having realized the times we are in and living as much as we can to our best ability in fulfilling all imagined in it for us. 

This is paramount because not doing so has grave consequences. Let's consider two contrasting examples. 

The children of Israel had been informed that in four hundred years they'd depart their captivity, but when it was time, they didn't. Was it because God lied? No! God never lies. It was simply because they weren't watching. They were growing comfortable with their afflictions that they completely forgot all that were truly theirs. 

God said "Put me in remembrance" (Isaiah 43:26), and it wasn't until they started doing so that He sent Moses to deliver them. 

Then consider Daniel also who knew Jeremiah had specifically predicted a seventy year captivity of God's people in Babylon, and as a result didn't give God rest day nor night until it happened as scheduled. 

You see, God can do anything He wants regardless of what we do or don't do. Remember Lamentations 3:37; however He sees it expedient that we watch ourselves towards it's fulfillment. Jesus was well aware of whom he was and kept on it till it became manifest; and so did John the Baptist, Samson and a plethora of others. We must do the same. 

Hence, is there a prophecy on you? Don't act ignorant of it if you don't want it petering away. Watch for its time through prayers until it happens as planned. 


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