Seek The Lord



- Seek The Lord 

"For this saith the LORD unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live" (Amos 5:4)

The only way to be safe is to be with one who has the power to guarantee you maximum security from all kinds of opposition. And that is what God represents and does for us (Psalm 23:4).

It is never His will to see us harmed (Lamentations 3:33).

When the children of Israel exercised ingratitude as they moved from Hor towards Edom, God sent serpents to bite them, many of which died along the way (Numbers 21:1-6). However when they would pray to Moses to plead with God for a solution, God gave them an active solution, yet He didn't take away the snakes. 

And the question becomes "why?" Now before we judge God, you should know that this shows us clearly why suffering remains in the world even though God seeks to save it's inhabitants daily. It wasn't God who brought the plague, but the sins of the people, as it was since the day of Adam. His disobedience carried the sorrows that would plague the world along. And because of the active solution God provided, the presence of the serpent meant nothing, because no matter how hard it bit, they would live on if they kept their gaze fixed on the solution; for greater is he with them than the enemy against them. 

now, let's take that to Christ. He is our active solution over the challenge of life's and wiles of darkness. If we keep our eyes stuck on Him, we'd be kept safe (Hebrews 7:25). So today keep your eyes on Jesus, and you'd live. 


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