Don't Be Afraid To Speak



- Don't Be Afraid To Speak

“Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:34-35)

Never mistake stupidity for humility; and a lot of people have. God tells us to shout it out loud from the rooftops- that is, our praise to Him and His gospel to the world; and that gospel includes all we are now in Christ Jesus.

Some people placate their lack of understanding by quoting Jesus words, saying he that exalts himself shall be abased, and he that abases himself shall be exalted (Luke 18:14); but how is it exalting oneself if it is who we are? 

Jesus never denied His sovereignty in God, and that never made Him any less humble because by His works He showed how lowly He is. Even before kings, He never retracted that He is the Son of God or that He shall dwell in glory for all to see. And neither should you. That isn't pride, it is truth in knowledge.

Let me explain what pride is. Pride is when a billionaire brags about all he isnt that you arent and rubs it on everyones face and acts in arrogance because of it, regardless of whether he affirms or deny he is rich. But when this billionaire tells you he is rich, and by his actions is not too conceited to serve, how can that be pride in any way? That was how Christ lived. 

Never believe being quiet about your glorious life in Christ is humility; that's stupidity. "Well, I didn't want them to feel bad", you may say in defence of this great error, but guess what? They'd feel bad any way. They asked Jesus who he was; He didn't say the carpenter or a nobody; He boldly said the Son of man- meaning the appointed Messiah, and the Son of God- meaning God amongst (/with) men. He wasn't afraid to say whom God called Him, and we mustn't too. No matter where you are or what may be, never be afraid to declare what God says about you; and He says you are gods even over your circumstances.


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