You Are Not Wasting Your Time



- You Are Not Wasting Your Time

"For still the vision awaits its time;  it hastens to the end- it will not lie. If it seem slow, wait for it; it will surely come, it will not delay" (Habakkuk 2:3)

The Bible tells us that Noah spent a hundred years building the ark; and we know that everything he got as a reward afterwards was a direct result of everything he did in obedience to God. And it is said that he obeyed God in all things (Genesis 6:22), and that can only lead to prosperity (Job 36:11).

Anyway, here's what I want you to know: Whatever it is you are doing right now in accordance to God's instructions is not a waste of time. Its result may not have shown yet, but it will. Can you imagine spending hundred years on one project no one sees any need for? That's how Noah felt. 

He spent a good century of his life building an ark to escape a coming flood when there hadn't even been a drop of rain on the earth. You can bet people mocked him as a crazy fellow. But Noah didn't care. He knew what was coming, and was preparing for it as God had told him to. 

In the same way, people may have scorned you for giving so much time to that which God has inspired you to do. Some close friends and family members may have even had an intervention for you, but don't let it bother you; in time they will see. 

As a teenager, God would have me do more church work and study personally for my exams rather than attending the study group designed for each of us in preparation for the forthcoming exams, but my dad was worried seeing others take these extra lessons while I stayed at church thinking I might fail. But when the results came out and I had the highest score above the others, he ironically made doing God's work mandatory for every other member of the family. 

So they may laugh now, but soon they will know it was God all along. 


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