Walk Holy



- Walk Holy

"Blessed is every one who fears the LORD, who walks in his ways! You shall eat the fruit of the labour of your hands; you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you" (Psalm 128:1-2)

It is no doubt that in Christ we have been born again by the Spirit of holiness, however we are told all through scripture to walk in this holiness. And that's because it has its benefits on the earth as well. 

First, walking in holiness means walking towards the ways and Word of God and away from the ways of sin. And this is very possible because now we have a regenerated spirit that can and has overcome sin (1 John 3:9); but walking this way is a choice we must make on a daily basis. And David said such a man who does so shall have all things well with him. Note, not in heaven - since that is assured, but also here on earth. 

And second even though we are born into holiness in Christ, walking in it requires prompt and utmost obedience to God; and this as well has its many rewards. 

In the book of Job, we are told that such a man shall be steadfast without fear, and his miseries shall be no more. It says he shall age well and shine forth in each day's glory. It also says he shall be secure, for he shall find his hope in the LORD and rest round about him (Job 11:13-19).

Hence, walking in holiness is not some religious doctrine for overly churchy people, it is a lifestyle for victors. It is the culture of God and it holds the blessings of God. It is what God has called us to do (1 Thess 4:7), and as we consciously do so, blessings constantly follow us. 


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