Obey God Now



- Obey God Now

"Today, when you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion" (Hebrews 3:15)

Every obedience to God's instructions has its time. You can't choose to ignore it today and pursue it tomorrow; the blessing is attached to the time designated for its compliance. That's why God despises procrastination.

When Jesus called the young man who opted to bury his father first, He told him to follow him immediately (Luke 9:59-60). He did so because the blessing attached to that obedience was for that exact moment. The fruit was to be reaped on that day. 

The same thing can be seen in the lives of the Israelites. When God commanded them to go into Canaan and subdue it, they rejected His Word out of fear of what they assumed the enemy was. And as a result practised unbelief, because obedience takes faith, thereby procuring God's wrath upon themselves. Upon seeing what had befallen them, they prepped themselves to go but God advised them not to because they would be defeated (Numbers 14). The victory was bound to the obedience of that moment, and they were indeed defeated that day. 

In the same way, don't wait till tomorrow to obey God, do so now. Reap the fruits that are yours for this exact moment. Hence, if you will hear His Word, do not harden your hearts. 


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