Mind What You Think



- Mind What You Think

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O LORD..." (Psalm 19:14)

Just imagine for a minute if everything you thought and said were recorded in a book. Well, we know they are clearly known before God; but nonetheless let's imagine they were written down in a book for all to read. Let's imagine there was a book for you just as we have the book of Job; what would it contain? 

Would it be filled with praises to God, or complaints against Him? Would it be filled with words of faith and assurance in God, or murmurings of doubt towards Him? Would you be proud of what you read? Would it be a book you would gladly recommend to boost the faith of men? 

If your answer is in the positive, then good for you; but if not, then you've got a lot of work to do. God desires that we think acceptable thoughts and speak acceptable words. Thoughts and words that edify, being seasoned with grace. Thoughts and words that speak of His glory, and not the reverse. 

And this we can do by setting our hearts entirely on His Word. He calls it transforming ourselves via the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). He says we can do this also by yielding to the Holy Spirit, speaking to ourselves in psalms, making melody of thanks in our hearts unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:18-20).  Because once we get abreast with what He has to say and all He is, it becomes easier to live how He wants us to. But by all means today, mind what you think and say; for by them you shall either be condemned or justified (Matthew 12:37).


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