In Christ, There's Hope For The Dead



- In Christ, There's Hope For The Dead

"...Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them" (Revelations 14:13)

Jesus described those who die in the LORD as living and not dead. Their mortal flesh might have died, but their eternal spirits are alive in God forever. 

Our theme scripture calls such people blessed. It says they are taken into rest and their works of righteousness do follow them. And recall what is spoken about this: He said God will never forget our works... (Hebrews 6:10). So even at death God never forgets how such lived for Him, and He rewards them with everlasting life with Him. 

That's what Isaiah tried explaining. He said the just man that dies has been freed from the evil to come; he has entered into peace and shall continually walk in his uprightness (Isaiah 57:1-2). His righteousness goes with him to the throne of God to earn him a place with the Lord Jesus in glory forever. 

With this in mind, you can understand the paradox when God says He is glad at the death of His saints. The scripture uses the word "precious in sight" to describe His reaction (Psalm 116:15); revealing that the death of the saint is not a thing to mourn - though hurtful to the family left behind, but it is truly more a thing to glory in; because he has been freed into rest and eternal peace. 

This is the truth; for as Paul said if your hope in Christ is only in this world while we live and not in that to come which He says we shall dwell in with Him (John 14:2), then we are of all men most miserable (1 Corinthians 15:19).

Hence, have you just lost someone who was a Christian? Take heart, but also don't be overly sad. Believe God, they are in a better place. Don't be sad anymore when the righteous die, they are in a better state now. 


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