You Are A Diplomat Of Heaven



- You Are A Diplomat Of Heaven

"For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts" (Malachi 2:7)

In our theme scripture, we are told that priests hold the knowledge of God, and through them others come to know Him. Well guess what? You are a priest. Before you get shocked because you've never wore a robe before, remember that the Bible calls you a person of a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). That is one descended from the true and only High Priest Jesus Christ. And so it says you are a priest of the Kingdom (Revelations 5:10), and that through you others will be drawn into it. 

You see, the entire Bible speaks of Christ, and our lives through Him. In Zechariah 8:23, the scripture having built up on the truth that many will seek to know God tells us that they will hold on to one who is a Jew (meaning the called out ones of God which we are now in Christ as believers), and shall plead to walk with him so as to get to know the One and only true God. 

Who do you think it was referring to? You, of course. Compare it with Jesus' words. He said your light will shine so brightly many will find God (Matt 5:16). He says you are like salt that gives the entire earth "pudding" some hope of vitality (Matt 5:13). And why would He say this if He didn't see you as His priest, His ambassador, His perfect representative? 

The scripture says we are ambassadors of God for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20); and believe me that's a big responsibility. What it means is that everything people need to know about God will oftentimes have to come from you. Your words and actions would speak volume in revelation of the person of God. People will seek what step they should take from you, because you have the light of the all-knowing God in you. Isn't that what Isaiah 60 talks about? And this should assure you that you are not ordinary; you are God's diplomat to those around you. 

Today's Exercise:

Meditate on this truth over and over again, and thank God for this reality that is yours now in Christ Jesus. 


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