There's Yet Hope For You



- There Is Yet Hope For You

"Behold, God will not cast away a perfect man, neither will he help evil doers. Till he fill thy mouth with laughing, and thy lips with rejoicing" (Job 8:20-21)

In times of trouble always remember that God promises never to leave nor forsake us (Deut 31:6). I believe that's relieving for every believer; because He tells us there that He would constantly watch over us. And we can trust in those words. 

There is no risk in doing that. Every other thing is a risk, but God is constant. The scripture says He never changes; He is the same forever, and so we can be rest assured that He will always rescue us from being consumed by life's circumstances (Malachi 3:6) as our theme scripture says, as long as we keep walking in His perfect will for us. 

It speaks of a perfect man; and that is simply a man who gives himself by the Spirit to walk in the perfect law of liberty that engenders such goodness at all times (James 1:25). Furthermore, He says but the evil doers should fear. 

Anyway, back to you, He says you may be going through a hard time now, but He won't cast you away till He has restored your laughter and rejoicing. And that those who try to cut it short will be put to shame (v. 22). These words my friend should bring back the light you've lost touch with. I know that life can be hard sometimes, but I want you to know this day that your God is bigger than life. He is larger than life; and He promises to take care of you, and He will. 


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