The Name Of Jesus



- The Name Of Jesus

"Therefore [because He stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, That in (at) the name of Jesus every knee should (must) bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth" (Philippians 2:9-10 AMP) 

The Name of Jesus is an assurance in times of need. It has been so glorified that now it can pick us up into glorification. And in fact, it is the reason for our victory over the dark world (Mark 16:17). The scripture says that Christ Jesus has been glorified far above all entities of the worlds (Ephesians 1:21), and at the mention of His Name every being trembles and every knee bows. 

In Luke 10, having experimented with it, the disciples returned with joy saying even the devils are subject unto us through thy name (v. 17). Highlight that part in your mind; get a mental note on it: the devils (all evil spirits and Satan) are subject unto us through the Name of the Lord Jesus.

Please understand that truly devils have power, but through the power of the Name of Jesus given to us we overcome their powers. No longer at their mercy, but they at ours. Recall that it was the devils who pled with Jesus not to cast them into hinderlands, not the other way around. The same applies with us who are one with Him now. 

Anyway, that which we saw in Luke's record was what a yet to be born again set of disciples experienced with the Name; how much more now that it has been glorified above all else? The Bible says that though all nations compass round about us, but in the Name of the Lord we shall destroy them (Psalm 118:10). In the Name of the Lord salvation is secured, sicknesses are vanquished, and demons are evicted. In the Name of the Lord, miracles are borne. Doesn't that excite you? 

And here's the best part: You have a right to that Name. Thus, you have a right to live in victory by it and through it here and in heaven. And never forget that whatever you ask in that Name shall be given unto you (John 14:14).

Today's Exercise:

Thank God for the efficacy of the Name in your life, and then make demands today using His name. 


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