My Help Comes From The LORD



- Your Help Comes From The LORD

"My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." (Psalm 121:2)

I love the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir 's rendition of "My Help". The soft melody reminds you of the ever sustaining truth that God is the source of all peace, and that He can be counted on. And that while the channels may run dry, but the source never does. 

In the Psalm we just saw, David was looking towards the hills, perhaps  expecting some human allies to arrive for an impending war somewhat like how Aragorn did for Gandalf's arrival from the eastern hills in Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers. They were his channels of strength in warfare; but then he remembered that no they weren't, but that God is his strength in warfare. He said my help comes from the Lord. 

And if he said the hills then it had to be the hills of His heavenly Kingdom, and we know he never lost an important battle (Psalm 89:20-24). And that's exactly what He has promised us in Christ. 

You see, your help does not come from people, it comes from God. So, your hope shouldn't be in people, but in God. He said princes will fail you, but He never will (Psalm 118:5-14).

Have you ever wondered why the scripture tells us that promotion comes not from the east, west nor from the south, but never mentions the North? (Psalm 75:6). It's because the city of the God of heaven is termed to be in the North (Psalm 48:1-3). No wonder we are told to keep our hearts above and not beneath (Colossians 3:2); because that's where our true help comes from. 

God can and will help you my friend. Trust Him. I have enjoyed His many blessings at moments I thought all hope was lost, and I know if you think well, you will know you have too. Hence, in spite of your present condition, trust in the LORD to deliver you, and He will come through for you (Psalm 34:22). He never puts to shame those who wait- and trust -upon Him. Everybody else might fail you, but God won't. Take this word with you wherever you go today. 


My help comes from the LORD, and He will help me. Yes! As I set my face as a flint, trusting and relying on Him, He will never disappoint me. He will do for me what I could never for myself, bringing all glory to His Name. Hallelujah! 


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