It's Never Over With God



- It's Never Over With God

"Do not rejoice against me, O my enemy, for though I fall, I will rise again! When I sit in darkness, the Lord himself will be my Light" (Micah 7:8 TLB) 

Have you ever heard of the phrase that "When one door closes, another opens up"? Well, it may sound as a cliché, but it is very true. Even Jesus experienced it. 

The scriptures record that when the people of Gadara beckoned on Him to leave their city, those on the other side welcomed Him with open arms (Luke 8:39-40). In other words, God never leaves us without a compensation, a way of escape, a witness of His rewarding power. When what you think is your all is taken from you, God always prepares something greater to compensate for that loss. 

For instance, when Joseph was stripped of his freedom, God ensured that He turned it around to exalt him. When David was forced into vagrancy, God ensured that He turned it around to give him a royal legacy. When Christ was taken to the cross, God turned it around for His eternal glory. 

Currently, in the same way, it may seem like what you've spent all your life working for has been unlawfully taken from you, but look up child! God has something great in store for you. In Zechariah 9, He says "I have delivered you from death in a waterless  pit because of the covenant I made with you, sealed with blood. Come to the place of safety, all you prisoners, for there is yet hope! I promise right now, I will repay you two mercies for each of your woes!" (v. 11-12 TLB). 

The songwriter also goes ahead to say "He will make a way where there seems to be no way". David puts it in a more clearer form, saying "You, O God, did send a plentiful rain; You did restore and confirm Your heritage when it languished and was weary" (Psalm 68:9); and Isaiah defines it as "springs in the deserts". You may have been hurt by what happened, but believe God to compensate you; for only He can truly comfort us as is needed. 

Today's Exercise:

Spend the day in praises to God. Thank Him because you're sure that He will strengthen, establish, settle and perfect you for everything you ever had to go through in His Name. Start right this moment. 


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