You Matter



- You Matter

"And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost" (Luke 15:6)

Are you familiar with the parable of the lost sheep? The Shepherd headed for sheepcote with his flock, but when he had kept them in, he found one missing. And so he returned the same way looking for the sheep who had been stuck in a thicket or perhaps even wandered miles off track, found it, and hoisted it upon his shoulder, returning home with joy. 

He had his 99, yet he wouldn't give up till he got his one back. And that's how God feels about you too because you matter to Him. Yes, I said it,  you matter. It doesn't matter how downwards you may have slid into that addiction or that depression, God is not leaving you on your own. He's not planning on abandoning you. He's coming for you till He's found you again. 

You may have given up on yourself, but not God. He said He knows His thoughts towards you, and they are always to do you good (Jeremiah 29:11); to bring out of that despondent pit and into a happy life. So there's no limit to your lostness in which He won't find you. Because you are important to Him. David described himself as poor and needy, but still he spoke of how God constantly kept him in thought (Psalm 40:17). He wouldn't forget him until He had brought him to a large place (Psalm 18:19). And that's how I know that you also matter to Him. 

T. D Jakes has spoken quite well about how he couldn't do without popping a smoke, yet God found him in that little room of his. Joyce Meyer speaks often on how deep in bitterness and self-loathing she was in, yet God found her. I have also had my odd days, still He never gives up on me. He's always there to set me on the right path again. And I'm telling you today that He won't give up on you too. 

The devil may think he's won, but God is coming with a fight of victory to ransom you. He has a calling on your life, and won't give up till He sees its fruit in fulfillment. Look at Paul; as bad as he presumed he was, God still didn't give up on him, and he in return went ahead to do great things for the kingdom with his life. 

You will do great things. That child that seems wayward presently will do great things; because God isn't giving up on you. That spouse will come around, and together you will both fulfill God's beautiful plan for your lives. I'm not concerned about what happened before, but I'm confident of what's about to happen now. God will ransom all that seem lost now. And He will do it because you matter. 


Father, I thank you because you have not given up on me. Even when I feel so lost, you are still ever so close to me aiding me to be better. You find me in my loneliness and depressions and bring me into your light, where my life is filled out with unending joy. Thank you God because you have better plans for me, my children, my family and all that concerns me, and will see to it that it is fulfilled. This I pray in Jesus Name. Amen


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