Loving People



- Loving People

"Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love" (Romans 12:10)

The greatest commandment tells us to love God, and the second instructs us to love people. The two go together. There's no way you can claim to love God and not be given to loving people. John 15 says that if we abide in His love, we'd bear fruit. And what is this fruit? Those qualities that reveal the Father in us; of which the first is love. Remember Jesus said people will know you're from me if you love one another (John 13:35).

In his letter to Philemon, Paul commends him about his love and faith towards the Lord and people; and then tells him that in this way all he affirms to believe would be best communicated to all around as they see the similarities he shares with our loving God (v. 5-6). You see, God loves people. The scripture says He so loved us that He would not let us perish and so gave us the gift of life (John 3:16). He cares for us; that's why He's called loving and compassionate. Love is His natural disposition. 

In the same way, He expects us as His children to love people as well. If we carry His nature, then we should also display it. He expects us to sincerely care for them. To help them and to be kind towards them. To treat them not based on how they treat us, but how God would. 

Remember that love is inert; meaning that no vile action in the world will change what it is. When in the midst of indifference and hate, it still remains the same-strong as ever.  It won't change because it's treated differently. Just like the same way God keeps loving us even when we don't deserve it. He wants us to love people even when they don't seem to deserve it. This is the proof that we are His- when we act and live exactly as He does. And He tells us that this is an irreconcilable debt we owe towards people- to never stop loving them no matter what (Romans 13:8). Because if we love God, we would love them. 


My heart is saturated with God's love. And just as I love God, I also love people. It shows in my attitude and disposition. I walk in the Spirit of love all day, bearing fruit to the glory of His name. 


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