It's Not Time To Give Up Yet


- It's Not Time To Give Up Yet

"Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" (Deut 31:6)

Years ago, an experiment was conducted using a predator and its prey. The researchers placed a Barracuda and a Spanish Mackerel in the same tank. Normally within seconds the Barracuda would devour the Spanish Mackerel, and so they put an invisible glass partition between both creatures. 

But for every time the Barracuda sought to go for the kill, it collided with the barrier, bruising itself. It kept at it for hours until it wore out. Then the researchers quietly removed the partition, but found out the barracuda wouldn't go for its prey anymore. And so they remained that way, one on each side of the tank. 

So, what do you think caused it? Why wouldn't the barracuda attack the mackerel anymore? Simple! It gave up. It met resistance one too many times and chose to believe it was impossible to reach in even when the barriers were taken out of the way. 

And that's how a lot of us are. We give up even before the real show begins. We go for an interview and because we didn't have them smiling at us, we lose hope and accept defeat. We submit a proposal and because we've not received a response after months we are already calling for a change of plans. But I'm telling you now to never give up. 

A friend once went for an assessment in which they clearly told her she wasn't what they wanted. But on her way to board a bus back home, she was called by the same group of people to resume the following week. Don't underestimate what God's favour can do, and that's enough reason not to give up too quickly. 

The scripture says if you faint because you got rejected, then your strength is small (Proverbs 24:10); but our strength isn't small. The joy of Lord is our strength, and it's endless. His favour is upon all our works, and it never fails. So please don't give up when God is not giving up on you. Stay on it, stay strong, and He will prove this true. Stay in faith. Keep believing, keep working, and it will all come through in time. Trust God to keep His Word, and as for you, do what He says "Be strong".

You may be down now, but you are not out yet. God has good news in your future, and you'd have to stay on your feet in faith to receive it. Your proposals may have been rejected, but don't give up because they are about to be accepted. And if anyone asks how you know, just tell them God said so. 


My efforts are not in vain. So, I'm not giving up any time soon. I will keep pushing, because I know God is rewarding my labours. And He says there is hope in my end. Everything is coming to place. Lines are falling in pleasant regions for me. Hence, I won't quit now, because I'm confident in the Lord that I'm about to win. My victory is simply one step away. Glory to God! 


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