Act Your Faith



- Act Your Faith

"...the just shall live by his faith" (Habakkuk 2:4)

Faith is not a thought; it is action. That is why they are called acts of faith, not thoughts of faith; and its product works of faith, not the imaginations of faith. In other words, your faith is no good to you if it stays in your heart alone. No! It isn't. Because the equivalent of its capacity in materiality can only be seen when we act in it. 

The scripture tells us of a leper who came to Jesus. First, it was forbidden of lepers to associate with the healthy - that's why till this day they have their own colonies, but this man came to where Jesus was meeting with people in a certain city in search of his healing; and the Bible tells that when Jesus heard and saw his actions, He touched him and immediately he was made wholesomely clean. Second, he didn't just sit somewhere hoping for healing rain to fall upon him, he approached its source and retrieved it. 

The scripture also tells of another man in Luke 5 who was paralyzed. When his bearers heard Jesus was in town, they brought him to Jesus; but when they could find no way around, they went through the top. They refused to accept the limitation, rather they believed their expectation must be one way or the other in Christ; and the Bible says "when He saw their faith" (v. 20), He healed the fellow. 

Faith has seeable acts, and these acts are what convey its rewards, because they are what God responds to. In the same way, when Esther stood before Ahasuerus, she believed in her heart that God would perform her expectations. She didn't presumably believe and then expect someone else to take the risk. She believed and took the risk in faith, and it was as she was promised. She received the same results God promised to all who engage Him from a heart of faith (Jeremiah 30:19-21).

The same can be said of Abraham who believed and didn't maul himself in pity since nothing physically seemed to have changed, rather he proved his faith by giving glory to God till everything was changed (Romans 4:20). Know, my friend, that Life is won by faith - but every individual life requires its own individual faith; because Jesus perceives thoughts, but He sees faith: and only as you see can you possess (Gen 13:15).

Thus, don't just think your faith, act it in words and deeds. 


My heart is filled with living faith from the Lord. It gives life to dead situations, and brings light to darkened paths. As I believe, I establish a case; and as I act in all I have believed, they begin to be. With my faith in action, sickness vanishes, provisions at all levels appear; death loses its hold, and life fills all I do. Yes, in faith I possess my dominion, and walk in it every day to the glory of God. Amen. 


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