Understanding Your Purpose At Every Given Moment



- Understanding Your Purpose At Every Given Moment

"Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you,  and ordained you, that yesterday should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you" (John 15:16)

For every moment in time, there is a given purpose. Nothing happens by mistake. God places each and every one of us in certain situations often times for certain reasons; and discovering this reason is the key to experiencing a fullness of life in it. 

David told us that our steps are ordered by God, and He sets us unto delightful paths (Psalm 37:23). In other words, nothing God leads us to is ever to hurt us, but to serve certain purposes in time. Our theme scripture tells us that He chose us and blessed us with capacity for it. So, even when we feel incapacitated, He knows we have the ability to understand and overcome. 

The Bible spoke of the men of Issachar who understood their purpose at every moment, and that was instrumental in their consequent victories. Thus, learning this is very vital. John the Baptist understood his purpose. He knew what he was meant to do every moment in God, and pursued it. When they called him the Christ, he refuted it, and clearly stated his purpose for living (John 1:20-23). The same for Jesus who pinpointed His purpose to Pilate (John 18:37). 

Now, you can understand why they lived focused lives, and were rarely in error. Joseph is another example. When people would have thought he was being mistreated, he understood it was all part of God's plan to save an entire conglomerate of nations (Genesis 50:20). And with this mindset, he lived without any grudge and to the fullness of life. And by sticking to it, God used the shortest time to achieve the greatest goal. 

Then there's also Esther. She was taken to the Palace at a young age, and made queen. Maybe they would have called it sheer luck, or simply a good break; but there is nothing like luck with God, it is always predetermined. God did it for a reason. Mordecai urged her that she came to this position of power for this moment of tribulation (Esther 4:14); and as soon as she understood that, the tables turned in their favour. You also, what reason are you here for at a time as this? 


Jesus, I thank you because I'm wonderfully and fearfully made for a specific purpose to your glory. You said you have called me, ordained, chosen and sent me to bear great fruits that reveal your light to all that surrounds me. And in your name, I declare that I shall fulfill that purpose. Amen. 


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