There's No Negotiation



- There's No Negotiation

"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth." (Philippians 2:10)

Read those words carefully again; it is not a negotiation. It's not something we have a sit-down to discuss the terms. The scripture says at the mention of the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow; it didn't say some; it didn't say in given circumstances. He said all shall bow in all circumstances. 

With this in mind, you can now understand that if ever you come across any form of demonic oppression, and it appears as though nothing happens when you use the Name, it is not because the devil is stronger, and it's also not because the Name isn't effective, it's because of you. And this results from one of two things: either we acted in fear and not faith, as the disciples before the lunatic child that wouldn't be healed until Jesus came and rebuked the demon Himself, or we are not completely given to Him, as the sons of Sceva who were rampaged by the demons who possessed the fellow. They didn't understand that the Name works solely for he who knows the Lord. Anybody can say it, but it is only honoured for he who abides under the shadow of the Almighty - in short, for he who truly believes the Lord. 

Other than these two scenarios, no demon has the temerity to resist the Name. So don't approach such encounters with fear; remember that you have the all-powerful Name of Jesus. The scripture says that in the Name of the Lord we shall destroy these strange entities (Psalm 118:10). The devils are aware of the mighty strength the Name holds, and tremble at that (James 2:19), but their highest goal is that you never know. Hence, now that you know, when you feel like you're being oppressed by demonic forces, rebuke them instantly with the Name; they will tremble and they will flee (Psalm 18:44-45).


In the Name of Jesus I overcome all the plots of the devil. In His Name I break through the troop of dark forces set against me, and leap above all their contingencies. In His Name, I bring an end to all their oppressions, whether in form of sickness or hardship; and proclaim that victory is mine in Jesus' Name. Amen


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