The Gift Is For All



- The Gift Is For All

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues" (Mark 16:17)

In Christ, everyone can be used. Whether it is to heal or to exhort, anybody can be used by Him. The criteria isn't the positions we attained in the Church system, but our faith. The theme verse says it is to ALL them that believe. ALL shall be able to cast out devils in the Name of Jesus, and ALL shall speak in heavenly language since they shall all have received the Holy Spirit. 

With those words of Christ in mind, we know that there's no monopoly in Christianity. Everyone is a recipient of this glorious package. The scripture says it is to you, your children, and all who shall believe (Acts 2:39). So, don't let anyone tell you that only a selected few can learn to know God or demonstrate His power; everyone can partake of it. This is a salient point; the gift is for all. Please understand this. 

Everything Christ said and says is applicable to all who believe. When He says nothing shall hurt you (Mark 16:18), He wasn't just speaking about your pastor; He was speaking about all of us- including you. Hence, change your mindset; you aren't meant to be a spectator, you are a field player in Christ. So, go ahead and live as such. 


I'm a light in God's Kingdom, and I demonstrate my purpose on the earth every day. I serve His purpose for my life, in the power and glory of Christ. Yes, He works mightily in and through me to bring to manifestation His will at all times. And for these and more, I say thank you Lord. 


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