Stay Strong In Faith



- Stay Strong In Faith

"No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God" (Romans 4:20 AMP) 

To eventually experience the reality of the victory that has been declared ours, we must stay strong in faith. We must without any doubt retain absolute trust in God regardless of what may have happened. Not dilly-dallying when things get hard, but to actually stay affixed to the truth of His Word received. 

Let's learn from Abraham. The scripture says that even though the odds were against him, he trusted God's Word to be true to become the father of many nations (Romans 4:18). The becoming was a product of the believing. It may not have happened overnight, but it became so the day he believed, and in staying strong he saw it through to the end.  He didn't let the conditions deter his faith, rather he overcame it all through his faith. 

It is said that he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God because he was persuaded God could do and would do it (v. 20-21). Let me explain what that means. It means that every morning  despite the horrendous facts about his reproductive viability that were glaring, he would proclaim God's Word in Thanksgiving, rejoicing from his heart. He would say "God, I thank you for the children you have given me according to your promise. My home is filled with them as arrows in a quiver. Thank you for the plenteous descendants you have gifted me that shall reign on the earth. Thank you for causing me to be fruitful. Thank you because Sarah is fertile as I am, and together we raise a family that bring blessings to the world and glory to God". He stood on God's promise in faith. Now I'm asking you to do the same. It worked for him, it will for you. 


Father,  I thank you because everything is working in my favour. The job is mine already. The proposal has been accepted already. My business is expanding already. My spouse is blessed on all fronts already. My family is exalted to the next level already. I thank you because everything you said in your Word has come to be already. I believe it and that settles it. Amen


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