Pray Big, Pray Bold



- Pray Big, Pray Bold

" who [are His servants and by your prayers] put the Lord in remembrance [of His promises], keep not silence" (Isaiah 62:6 AMP) 

We are admonished to constantly remind God of His promises, and being ever faithful He will never fail us. That means if ever you find yourself in a difficult situation, get into God's Word, and find a promise that addresses your case. When it seems as though everything and everyone are conniving to bring you down, you just say to Him, "God You said no weapon formed against me shall ever prosper. You said They shall come in one way and flee in seven; for you the Lord are my refuge". 

When you receive a negative prognosis, be quick to say "God You said You will restore health unto me, and heal me of all my wounds". When you don't know where your next meal will come from, say "God You said You are my shepherd and so I can never be in want. You said the young lion may suffer hunger, but not me; because I seek you and trust you, I will lack no good thing". Pray His Word to Him. And do it big time. 

Isaiah said we should put Him in remembrance that we might be justified (Isaiah 43:26). He tells us to remind Him of how we live to honour Him at all times and the blessings that He promises would follow that. That was what Hezekiah did, and he had a testimony of recovering from a deadly disease. We also will recover, because God never fails those who hold on to His Word. 

You see,  God tells us to put Him in remembrance of what He's said; and when we do, heaven immediately takes notice, because God honours His Word above His name. This means that the chances of God failing to do what He promised is the same as that of Him ceasing to be God- none. So, remind Him of His Word. Pray His promises to Him, and not your problems. Pray God sized prayers, not your complaints. Remember, He knows your every need (Matt 6:32).

I always tell people that God doesn't want to know your problem, He already does; He wants to know what you want so He can change your situation. And I'm telling you the same thing too. Trying to appear pitiful before God won't help you, instead declare all He promised you, put Him in remembrance, and you shall be justified. So next time you pray, pray boldly. Pray in His promises; and God whose promises are yes and amen will facilitate them to reality in your life. 


The Lord promised that I shall be the head and never the tail; and so shall it be in Jesus' Name. He promised that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, therefore I'm impenetrable to the attacks of the enemy. He says all things are mine, all things that are needful for life and godliness, therefore I lack nothing. All things work together to favour me; from all around the world, goodness finds me and favour adorns me, in the name of Jesus. Amen. 


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