Those Who Touch Jesus Are Made Whole


- Those Who Touch Jesus Are Made Whole

"Wherever he went- in villages and cities, and out on the farms -they laid the sick in the market plazas and streets, and begged him to let them at least touch the fringes of his clothes; and as many as touched him were healed." (Mark 6:56 TLB) 

The theme scripture tells us the story of all that happened on a certain day when Jesus went to Gennesaret. It says that when the people knew He was among them,  they went around and brought everyone who was ill or incapacitated. And this happened in every village, city and country He entered. It was always the same; and as many as touched Him were made well.

You see,  doctors cure, but only God heals. And there's only one way He shows us we can heal and be healed,  and that is by faith in the Name of Jesus. And that's exactly how we can touch Him- not literally physically, but by faith in His Name. 

Consider these examples. When the woman with the issue of blood heard that Jesus was heading to Jairus' house, she touched Him and was made completely whole. The same thing happened with the leper; when he heard Jesus was passing by, he said "I know you can make me whole if you want to", and Jesus said "I want to", and he was healed that instant (Mark 1:40-42). The same also happened with the centurion. When he heard of Jesus, he sent people to ask Him to come heal his servant, and Jesus healed him with just a word. And lastly, the man with the demon possessed son who sought Jesus to deliver his son, and believed,  received what he sought out for. 

All these people had two things in common: First, they all received healing; Second,  they all had faith in the Name of Jesus. Some didn't get to see Jesus physically or touch Him physically, but all were healed because they believed in Him with their whole heart to heal them. Today, you too can touch Him. All you have to do is completely believe in Him to make you whole again, leaving nothing to chance, but everything to faith in His Name. 


Lord Jesus,  I know there's healing power in your Name. For as many as call upon your Name, believing, are saved- saved from all forms of oppression and suppression. And so,  in your Name Jesus, today I possess my healing,  my deliverance,  and my complete wholeness, to the glory of God. Amen. 


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