There's Always Something To Be Thankful For



- There's Always Something To Be Thankful For 

"No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." (1 Thessalonians 5:18 TLB) 

Yes! There's always something to be thankful for. In the midst of the darkness, there's always light. You might not see it, or might have to look deeper and farther, but it's always there; that's why God expects thanksgiving in all situations. 

You see, things might not have panned out how you'd hoped they would, but even at that, there's still something worth giving thanks for in your life. For instance, you may not be where you want to be, but you're also not where you use to be. You are in motion. 

When I think about all the things I assumed I wanted but never got, there's always this urge to feel disappointed or discouraged, but then I remember all the things I had and those things I never thought I needed but got. They might not seem like much to some of us, but they are worthy of our thankfulness, because they augmented our lives indirectly. For instance, you have good health. A lot of people don't have that even though they try to live healthier lifestyles than we do. And if you don't have good health, you are alive. A lot of people aren't though they were in perfect health. So in every way we look at it, there's always something to be thankful for. These "little" things matter much. 

Life may have been harsh on you, and not some bed of roses, but think again, and you'll see that God has been good to you. It may not be widely evident humanly speaking, but if you look deep enough you will see its true. And the scriptures assert that He is every day. It says His faithfulness and mercy towards us are great and renewed every morning (Lamentations 3:23); and that's always more than enough reason to wake up every day with a grateful heart. More than enough, I say. 


God, I thank you for everything you have given me. I'm thankful because you do all things for my good. Regardless of how things may look, your unending love can never be overlooked. You are good, and for that and more, I say thank you, in Jesus Name. Amen. 


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