God Will Make A Way



- God Will Make A Way

"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6 AMP) 

The Bible says that He will make the crooked way straight again. That means even when there seems to be no way at all,  or the only way found is impassable, He will yet make a way. 

For instance, there were five thousand plus people wearied and in need of food, and Jesus said unto the disciples "Feed them". To Philip, it sounded absurd. He had done the maths, and they were way behind. It would take more than a year's wage to come close to feeding them, and they didn't even have a day's wage. 

You see,  while Philip's maths was correct, it wasn't the truth. Based on human understanding, it was flawlessly right, but based on God's record, it was dangerously wrong. God's ways aren't as banal as ours are. The scripture says they are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9). In simpler English, He can do beyond all we can ask, think or even imagine (Ephesians 3:20). So,  it is time to stop thinking from circumstantial perspectives, and start seeing from the Word perspective. 

In our theme verse,  Solomon tells us to trust God beyond what appears to be,  and never to be so swift to judge based on human understanding when it comes to God; but rather to acknowledge His sovereignty over all things, and count on Him to lead you where He's shown you. And that's exactly what Andrew did. He didn't see their lack, nor the ineptness of five loaves and two fishes towards five thousand men; instead he saw Jesus' keenness to do the remarkable. And because he trusted Him enough to bring forth that minute resource, he got the miracle. 

In the same way, you have to see beyond the present condition; see His intent,  see His record, see the validity of His Word; and that will give you enough courage to believe that even when all hope seems lost, God will indeed make a way. And He will. 


My God is a WayMaker; a miracle worker; and a promise keeper. The present circumstances in my life may not give a vote of confidence to my complete deliverance, but His track record is proof enough for me that He will and can deliver me. He told me that even if I walk in dark valleys, He would be with me, and lead me into large pastures. And this is my confidence today: that my God can do beyond all I can ever think, ask or even imagine, including this. Hallelujah!


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