God Expects Us To Bear Fruit



- God Expects Us To Bear Fruit

"Any branch in Me that does not bear fruit [that stops bearing] He cuts away (trims off, takes away); and He cleanses and repeatedly prunes every branch that continues to bear fruit, to make it bear more and richer and more excellent fruit." (John 15:2 AMP) 

Our theme scripture tells us that God demands fruits from us. These are the results of your Christian walk that draw others towards Him. Like a light that guides others in the dark. And verse 16 of that same scripture tells us that is why He selected and sent us. He said whoever doesn't bear fruit shall be purged out; and he that does shall be pruned for more. That is to tell you that regardless of circumstance God expects us to bear fruit. 

Let me explain better. In Mark 11, the Bible says Jesus was passing through Bethany; and while on the way found a fig tree. He expected to find fruit on it but found none since it wasn't the season of figs yet, but still He cursed and reprimanded it. "It wasn't its fault", we would think. But that tells us something. It tells us that God expects fruit everyday all day. 

You see, our fruits are what reveal to others their need for God. Jesus said they would see the light from our fruits and glorify the Father (Matt 5:16). Remember, you have been planted by the river (Psalm 1:3), and thus out of you flows a spring of life that ensures you bring forth fruits at all times (John 7:38); so it would be absurd for you to remain barren. The Spirit of God empowers us to live a fruitful life, but our walking in Him is what brings forth its manifestation. 

Hence, make a decision today to live a life that bears fruit at all times. Again, remember, you're a tree planted by the riverside; and God expects you to bear fruit into righteousness to the glory of His Name. Now, go ahead and begin. 


In the Name of Jesus, I bear fruits every day of my life to the glory of God. And through these fruits, others desire to know God. The Holy Spirit in me prunes me until I bring forth in great capacities all that God says I am. Amen. 


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