Walking In Love
- Walking In Love
“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God.” (1 John 4:7)
You can’t have God and not love people. When John tells us that if we do not love our brothers, we do not know God (1 John 2:11), he wasn’t referring to our mother’s son or our father’s son, he was talking about everyone. You see, all the violence and hate that exists is because men chose to walk in darkness and not God’s unending light of love.
Love keeps no grudge (1 Corinthians 13:5); it never retaliates. And that is the only reason why many people despite their derogatory sins still enjoy grace in life: because of God’s unconditional love. Love accommodates and is patient, exactly how God was with us all the while till we were saved. Anyway, now He tells us to do the same with one another.
He terms it as the most important thing we must do now as Christians. The scripture says “Owe no man nothing but love” (Romans 13:8). It refers to love as a debt that can never be fully repaid; and so some deposit must be made every day. Get the picture? God wants loving people intentionally and unconditionally to become a habit to us. He wants us to do it with joyful glee and ease. Believe me, it isn’t easy; it’s sacrifice, but it is fulfilling, and more importantly it is God’s will. It requires a lot of selflessness, yet it is what gives self its best essence. This is because nothing reveals Christ in us better than when we walk in love. That’s what He tells us in John 13:35.
So today, forget the hate and the violence, and embrace the beautiful; because in God there is nothing more beautiful than when men love one another.
I walk in love all day every day. It is in spiritual DNA to do so. The love of Christ in me empowers me to live this way; practicing how He loves towards those around me, and as such fulfilling the very will of the Father- that we may love one another as we love ourselves. Blessed be God!
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