Put Yourself To Use



- Put Yourself To Use

"For the man who uses well what he is given shall be given more, and he shall have abundance.  But from the man who is unfaithful,  even what little responsibility he has shall be taken from him. " (Matthew 25:29 TLB) 

There is something in you that God demands to be shown to the world.  He sent you into this world to serve a purpose; you can't just let yourself rot.  Imagine a farmer who plants a seed and gives it the right conditions to thrive coming back at harvest time to find a plethora of rotten crops.  How do you think he would feel? Disappointed, I guess. Well,  that's exactly how God feels every time we choose to neglect putting our gifts to maximum use. We become like seeds which rather than produce good fruits rot away. 

God expects a harvest from us.  In that parable of the talents,  He spoke about three persons. Two of which used what they had been given to get what was expected, while the other did nothing at all. And then Jesus said everyone who use what he had been given well enough to get what is expected shall have more,  but he who doesn't shall lose all. 

You see,  one thing we can learn from there is that everyone has been given something. No man is empty. The scripture says He has endowed gifts upon us all according to His will and purpose (1 Corinthians 12:11, Ephesians 4:7). For some it might be with bigger responsibilities; while for others it might be lesser. For some it might be to exhort and help; while for others it might be to implement skills towards promoting human welfare and all-round goodness. All are just as significant in value as any other. 

But we all have our certain gifts; and when we refuse to utilize them well like that fellow in the parable,  we become like an eclipse, depriving people of God's glory,  with no impact at all. There's something God placed within you, and a reason He put you down here.  There's a reason He blessed you with these gifts.  Wisdom will be for you to discover that through the help of the Holy Spirit, and then use them as effectively as you can. Remember, your destiny is always attached to your responsibility. That is,  if you can find out what He wants you to do,  then you have found out who He wants you to be. So, make the most of your destiny by taking responsibility today towards putting yourself to maximum use for the Lord's glory. 


God has endued me with His glory, to bring light to those around me who had been in darkness.  And so by my actions and words, I reveal Him to them; manifesting everything He sent and made me to accomplish. And all these I can do through Christ my King.  Amen. 


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