Living Free



- Living Free

"But if ye are led of the Spirit,  ye are not under the law." (Galatians 5:18)

All through the New Testament, we are told to walk after the Spirit; which is the same thing as being led of Him. You see, the New Testament reveals the true nature and intent of God- and from this, we can see that His will is to have us walk in the Spirit every day. 

Galatians 5:13 says that we have been called unto liberty. And that's what our theme scripture tries to explain further. It says that if we yield ourselves to the Spirit's guidance,  we'd no longer need a Ten Commandments or some Thirty-five Sacraments to please God, and as such no longer walk in the flesh, because we'd be walking in a spiritual law that naturally pleases God and aligns to His Word. That's why He also says that we are no longer under bondage to the law, because now in Christ by the Spirit, we live as He leads (Galatians 5:1). No longer given to legalism, but utmost spirituality. 

And here lies the problem of many Christians. We have a lot of indoctrinated believers who live mechanically, and few yielded believers who live spiritually. And we've got to change that. And understand that in walking after the Spirit, you fulfill all that is God's will,  because He only guides us to the glorification of Christ and into the will of the Father. And anyone that doesn't endorse this isn't living a spiritual life, but simply a religious life. 

Learn from Jesus. He lived free from the shackles of the law and its sentiments, because He walked in the perfect will of God. The scripture says He had no will of His own but did only what He was led to at all times of God (John 5:30); and as a result,  He pleased God (John 8:29). Hence, let this mind that was in Christ be in you also, and give yourself to live free in the will of God after the guidance of the Spirit. 

"For if you keep on following it you are lost and will perish, but through the power of the Holy Spirit you crush it and its evil deeds, you shall live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." (Romans 8:13-14 TLB) 


My life is guided by the Holy Spirit on a constant basis,  leading me to walk in the very pleasures of God; walking not after the flesh, but in the ways that appeases to Him. I live freely justified in the substance of all Christ accomplished on my behalf, and all to the glory of God. Amen. 


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