Jesus Is The Only Way



- Jesus Is The Only Way

"Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me." (John 14:6 AMP) 

If you were in a plane that's about to crash, and you are offered an Amazon Gift Card, I'm sure you would wonder what they expect you to do with it when you are about to die. So, you'd probably shove it away. 

Now imagine you are offered a million dollars right there in that plane,  I'm sure it might tickle your fancy a bit,  but then you'd realize that it's still just as useless as the Gift Card in a situation as that.  So, again you'd have to push it aside as well.  But imagine you are then given a parachute; what would you do? I'm certain you will grab it with such urgency even if it meant giving up the others, because it's your one way of survival in this dilemma. 

It doesn't matter if you think the crash in a volcano won't kill you; because it will.  It might make you feel better momentarily, but it doesn't change reality. So knowing this you would grasp the parachute, put it as quickly as possible, and out you'd go to safety. 

That's how life is!  We are all going to die one day; so we are all on a plane about to crash. And there's also heaven and hell;  meaning there's a safe place to land and also another of complete destruction. You see, there's got to be because God's Word says there is,  and God's unwillingness to punish wickedness and reward righteousness would only prove He isn't good. How could He be just if He endorsed our evil acts? Think about that. 

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether we agree or not, He says there is,  and has made a way to rescue us that may have been doomed for a crash - a 'parachute', Christ. Jesus literally took Barabbas' place at Golgotha,  but in reality He was taking all of our places that we may be one with the Father as He is. Jesus is the only way to the bosom of the Father; and we are told whoever receives Him shall not be condemned (John 3:16).

Thus,  put on Christ today (Romans 13:12); put on your parachute towards salvation. And this you can do by believing and accepting in your heart that Jesus as Lord died and rose again for your justification. But if you are already saved; then forward this to someone else who isn't. 


Jesus,  I know and believe you are the only way to the heart of the Father.  And so I declare and receive your Lordship,  and ask that you work in and through me,  causing your will to be expressed in all ramifications of my life to the glory of your name. Amen. 


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