Faith Has Its Works
- Faith Has Its Works
"You see that [his] faith was cooperating with his works, and [his] faith was completed and reached its supreme expression [when he implemented it] by [good] works." (James 2:22 AMP)
Apostle James tells us that faith, if it has no works, is dead being alone (v. 17), and concluded that we can only prove our faith by our works (v. 18-21). You see, it's not enough to just say we believe if we won't do anything that proves we really do. Just like the Psalmist who said 'I believe therefore I have spoken', it is called the act of faith; because faith always carries corresponding actions.
How can you say you have faith for perfect health, and every time you get a slight symptom all you envision is a funeral? It's absurd, isn't it? How can you claim one thing and do everything that contradicts or negates it? Consider Abraham, for example. The scripture says that even though he and his wife had no clear indication of hope, he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief - meaning he wasn't sitting down at home all day grumpy, pitying himself; rather it says he was strong in faith, giving glory to God (Romans 4:19-20).
Can you just imagine that? A childless man giving thanks to God more times than he who had many children. Rare, right? Yet he did it, because he wasn't judging by the present but by the future presented to him by the Word. And so didn't just have faith-as many claim to do these days, in the light of this he acted out his faith. Which is exactly what those four men with the quadriplegic did. They knew Jesus could heal them, and so showed corresponding actions to support that, and the Bible affirms that Jesus SAW their faith (Mark 2:5).
Thus, let the Lord see your faith today. Don't just say it, prove it. Do the works that affirm your faith. The works it demands. That is, if you are expecting a healing or a break through, then think and live like it today; for faith always has its evidences (Hebrews 11:1-2).
My faith is active and alive because it is backed up by the Word of God. It believes and acts accordingly to what has been believed; and as a result God honours it. That's why I act the way I act and talk the way I talk, because I know that everything will turn out in accordance to God's Word to me, and in line with all I have believed; to the glory to Jesus!
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