Living In His Perfect Will
- Living In His Perfect Will
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.”
God will never ask us to do what was or is impossible to do. And so when He asked us to live free of worldly conformations until we are practically living at the center of His good, acceptable and perfect will, it is because He knows we can. And why can’t we?
In 2 Chronicles 31, the scripture tells us that Hezekiah in his lifetime did what was always good, right and truth before God (v. 20). Isn’t that synonymous to good, acceptable and perfect? It is; and he did it even though he didn’t have the fullness of God resident within him, as we do now in Christ. And because he did this, scripture affirms that he prospered (v. 21).
So, every promise God gives to the regenerated man isn’t a farce. Remember, He cannot lie; and thus if we aren’t seeing that reality, it has to be because we are not actively living in His will. This is because God’s will always carries the fulfilment, but you’d have to act in the will first. And by the Holy Spirit in us, we have the capacity to do so; and through the Word we can practically perform it.
You see, God’s will is only as perfect as His Word to you; and so living perfectly in accordance to His every Word is how we can live in His perfect will. And in doing so, we are bound to keep prospering in all He has given us. So, commit yourself today to walk in His Word and in the guidance of His Spirit every day.
Dear God, I thank you for the Word that keeps me in constant knowledge of your will; and for your Spirit that helps me to walk in it every day without fail. I know that as I study your Word and stay in fellowship with your Spirit, you are consistently renewing my mind that I may learn to please you and to live as you expect of me. So as I do so, help me God to please you and to live at the center of your will. In Jesus Name. Amen.
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