The Healing Gospel


- The Healing Gospel

“He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.” (Psalm 107:20)

The Gospel heals- not just the spirit and soul, but the body also. It might not excite you, but it surely will transform you. And what’s better is that every herald of the gospel can also speak healing into people’s lives, and they will be healed. This is because with the responsibility of the gospel always comes the power of healing.

In Matthew 10, the Bible says Jesus called His twelve disciples to Him and gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of diseases; and then sent them forth (v. 1-11). And they came back rejoicing, having achieved it all. Recall that at  this point they had no titles yet, just that they were disciples; showing us that what Jesus said does not apply to only pastors or church leaders, but to every Christian sent to spread the gospel. And we all are.

Jesus proved it to be true Himself. The scripture said He went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people (Matthew 9:35). It all went together, hand in hand- the gospel and the healings. And He says as He had done, so also shall we do (John 14:12).

Again, He was talking to every Christian. All you have to know is that the power of healing is always activated on the field of soul of soul winning. That’s true; Mark recorded that the Lord was with the disciples [both in their present and in our future] backing them up with signs and wonders following (16:20). Luke did the same, saying that as they boldly proclaimed the Gospel, He granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands (Acts 14:3).

Whose hands? The heralds of the gospel; and today that can include you and I in deed. And don’t be scared, remember Jesus healed by His Word (Matthew 8:16), we can as well.


 Lord Jesus, I thank you because you have not left me as an orphan; you are always with me to help me even as I engage in spreading your Word across my environment. As I approach the medically impaired, healing power flows through me into them by the Spirit, resulting in their wholeness. As I speak the Word, it refreshes and restores their souls, all to the glory of your Name. Amen.


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