It All Began On Christmas


- It All Began On Christmas

"...You say that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Every one that is of the truth hears my voice." (John 18:37)

The day Christ came into the world holds a remarkable significance. It marked the day our redemption began in real time; because if He hadn't been born, He would never have died nor resurrected. Every minute Jesus spent here, every breath He breathed here was to fulfill one singular purpose - to reveal the truth. What truth? The truth that we are precious in God's eyes, and that He would give anything to see us ransomed. And on that day, it became real. He sent us Christ to save us for good. And that's a good enough reason to celebrate. At His birth, our joy knew no bounds (Matthew 2:10), and even now it still does.

                You see, that's what gives Christmas its essence. Not the presents or the beautifully cooked dinner, but the love which drove God to give us His most precious gift in Christ to dwell among us so that we might dwell in Him. And so in this same degree of love, go out there and share this great gift with others. Reveal to them what it means to be loved with an unconditional love. When you make this what Christmas represents to you, every day will be Christmas.

                So again, don't wait for the ‘Deck the Hall’ chorus to realize how special today is, take the prerogative and make it special by making it known to others in words and demonstration how precious they really are to God, and also to you. Hebrews 10 says "In response to all he has done for us, let us outdo each other in being helpful and kind to each other and in doing good" (v.24 TLB).

                For remember, when He chose to come, He was thinking specifically about each and every one of us. And this is why He came: peace on earth and goodwill to men (Luke 2:14). And yes, it began on Christmas, so let it continue this Christmas. Hurrah!! Hurrah!! Merry Christmas my friend!


Lord God, I thank you for the gift of Christmas. I thank you for Christ Jesus, and the many virtues He's given me. Thank you for the gift of people, and the ability to love and care for them just as you have bestowed your love upon me. I ask that this Christmas and every other day you help me to reveal your unconditional love to all around me, to the glory of your Name. Amen.


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