Do Not Be Troubled


- Do Not Be Troubled

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

This is definitely God’s message to someone reading this this morning. It was to me as well. Again He says “Let not your heart be troubled…..believe…in Me”. It is possible that at this point you are worth zero dollar and no cents at all. And then you think of helping your parents every day, but you don’t have the funds to do so, or maybe even the job to do so. You are doing the best you can, but nothing seems to work. You are at your wits’ end; with no clue of how to make your dreams and the desires you are confident were given to you from God into reality. And as a result, you spend all day worrying, self-loathing and feeling depressed. I know how it feels; I have been there.

Well, to you, my dear, God says “Let not your heart be troubled”. Remember, He already let us know that we can’t change anything by thinking, worrying or crying (Matthew 6:27). And we can’t help ourselves on our own even if we wanted to (Jeremiah 10:23). So, as long as you’re doing the best God knows you presently can, leave the rest to Him. And you can trust that He won’t fail you.

All my life, for instance, my goal has been to be a means of help to those in need of help every time. I have dreamed of creating a foundation to help the underprivileged child have a better future. It has been so strong in my heart that while awake I still see it. And even though currently, its reality seems farther than I anticipated, I still know it will be; because it isn’t my dream or desire alone, it is God’s to me, and so He will take care of it. He tells me every time I think about where I am now and where He showed me I would be to keep my heart from being troubled; and I’m telling you the same, because I’m sure if you’d listen it’s what He is saying to you also.

You see, your present predicament isn’t the exact value of your worth, His Word concerning you is. So, even when judging by your present state in comparison to your desired state, you may not understand the how or the why behind it all, yet you must choose to trust in God. Instead of worrying, He says, “Commit your way to the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5).


It makes no difference what my circumstance presents; my faith will work for me because it’s backed by the supremacy of the Word. Therefore, I take advantage of God’s power in me to overcome all obstacles. By my faith, which is the victory that overcomes the world and its systems, I am fully convinced of my eternal triumph in life through Jesus Christ my Lord.


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