The Power Of Meekness


- The Power of Meekness

“Surely He scorns the scorners: but He gives grace to the lowly” (Proverbs 3:34)

Meek people aren’t weak people; on the contrary they are blessed people. The scriptures affirm that they shall possess both heaven and earth. Matthew 5:3-5 says “Blessed are the poor (meek, humble) in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven…. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth”. This shows that they have a heritage both here while they are on earth, and there in heaven with God.

Isn’t that wonderful? Well, now that we have seen its benefits, let’s also see its meaning. First of all, never be mistaken, meekness isn’t timidity, and as said already, it sure isn’t weakness either. Moses was referred as meek by God (Number 12:3), and we know he wasn’t a timid or weak man. Meekness is gentleness of spirit. It is well aware of its rights, but will always choose God’s will above any rights. Secondly, meekness is about the surrendering of self, and the unabated abandonment of conceitedness in pursuit of the ways of God. That’s why Jesus declared that only the meek can receive the gospel.

All through the scripture it is referred to as humility, poor in spirit, and gentle; and one thing that is congruent with them all is that they all lead to a life of unhindered victories. Thus, you also can enjoy these victories; you just have to embrace meekness. How do you act towards people in lesser positions than you? How do you respond to people when no one prominent is watching? How do you react in difficult situations? These are the things that reveal the true you. But never forget that the true you is always what you make it- that is, through your actions every day; and God wants you to it exemplary with His Word.

He said “Be beautiful inside, in your hearts, with the lasting charm of a gentle and quiet spirit which is so precious to God” (1 Peter 3:4). And remember, Meekness is not just how you act,, it is who you become. When you are, you will act it out every day and be blessed for it.


I have one Spirit with the Lord. As He is meek, so am I by the Spirit. And I walk in this meekness in everything I do, everywhere I go, and to everyone I know; thereby bringing more and more people to loving knowledge of God and the glory of Jesus. Hallelujah!


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