Miracles Are Everywhere


- Miracles Are Everywhere

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.” (Psalm 68:19)

CBN once featured a story they called “A Visit to the Steps of Heaven”. It is about an 18 year old girl named Deerinda Lowe whose car got ran over from the top by a semi-truck. The 18 wheeler truck barely missed her head but her arm was badly severed, while her leg was trapped underneath the engine; and for 45 minutes rescue workers struggled to bring her out of the car. She was badly injured internally and externally; and for two weeks the doctors tried all they could to put her back together, having had to be resuscitated twice, whilst she also suffered a massive stroke and went into a coma. With all but little hope to offer.

Deerinda wasn’t a Christian at the time, but she said she begged God to save her. She spoke of how she saw God, and how He held her in His arms telling her “It’s okay. You’re fine. You are safe now”. Everyone thought she would die because her diagnosis weren’t good at all; and even if she did wake up, with the injuries she had sustained, having a normal life won’t be close to possible anymore. But she did wake up, and even though she had a hard physical recovery, she surpassed all expectations.

One doctor called it a phenomenal recovery, seeing the extent of her abdominal, bone and joint injuries and the stroke she had suffered. She wasn’t expected to be completely whole, yet today she is. And better still she is also a Christian.

You see, my friend, Miracles are everywhere. And every day we encounter them.  I’m sure you-or someone you know-have a story to tell as well. Yours might not be like Deerinda’s, but we all live in the atmosphere of miracles; we all experience them even in the slightest of ways. Psalm 68:19 tells us that we abound in them daily from God. You may not take cognizance of them because you’re focusing on other things, but they are there. They are in the kindness you experience, the love you get, the friends who are always there, and in the opportunities and missed opportunities that made you a better person. All you have to do to recognize one is look at someone who doesn’t have what you have, and you’d appreciate that what you do have is something great. And today, I’m asking you to appreciate that. You might have believed for it, or not, but God gave it to you, and that’s something worth waking up each day to say “Thank you Lord” for. Praise God!


Heavenly Father, I thank you for your miracles that abound in and with me. Thank you for everything I have and for those I don’t have yet. I thank you because I know it’s designed for my good- these benefits that You have placed beautifully upon my path.  Thank you for Christ in me who makes me aware of them, and for your Spirit who brings their reality to me every day of my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen


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