Live A Life You Will Remember
- Live A Life You Will Remember
“Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:15-16 TLB)
Sometime in May, a few weeks before my birthday, I received news that a close friend of mine who had been missing for a week had been found dead. He was a great friend, free spirited, and he loved these devotionals just as much as he was always willing to please God as best as he could. When I heard about it, I felt bad, really sad, but then it only made me think about my own life.
You see, as humans, death is inevitable; we know it will happen, yet when it does, we still always feel down. But should we really feel downcasted if the person in question lived a fulfilled life? Should we really feel like the worst has happened if the person touched so many lives positively? Should we if we know he is bound for a better place? We really shouldn’t, even though we do.
Life isn’t majorly about avoiding death, but outlasting it; and we do that by how we live. God calls us cities on a hill. A city on a hill does one of these two things: it serves as a source of hope to him that is lost, and it serves as a spectacular view to those in the dark. So, are you presently serving humanity in this capacity? Your life is meant to give meaning to others. If God could do everything He desired to Himself, He would never have sent you.
God can’t help the homeless rebuild their physical homes. He can’t physically visit the aggrieved to help them find comfort. That’s what He sent you for- to represent Him amongst men. To do exactly what Christ did on the earth. Because at the end of everything, life is still going to be about what you could have done, and what you couldn’t; what you did, and what you didn’t. Moreover, think about it, if this was the end of it all, would you be proud of all you’ve done? This is the reason for our being. And so, between when you live and when you die, God expects fruits- the wonderful produce of His gift to and in you to the world.
So remember, find your reason for living and you will never truly die. Your victory over death is in the quality of life you lived whilst alive. Jesus said while I’m in the world, I am the light of the world (John 9:5); can you say you’re doing the same with your time on the earth? Everybody wants to be remembered, but what do you want to be remembered for? A light to the world or just someone that existed? Hence, choose to make a difference every day. Choose to live a life that will keep people thankful to God for you. It would take some effort, but with God it can be done. So, do so!
I am a light in my world. As I walk in God’s light every day, I reflect His glories and grace to all around me. I give meaning to situations; serving the very purpose of God on the earth. So that at the end, all by looking upon me may give glory back to the Father of all lights. Hallelujah!
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