Refrain From The Loser's Syndrome

- Refrain From The Loser's Syndrome 
"Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it, and pass away." (Proverbs 4:15)

     If we do what others did that led to their downfall, we'd surely also have a downfall. That's something Amaziah never understood. The Bible referred to him as a man who followed God but not with a perfect heart (2 Chronicles 25:2). And here's why: Amaziah had just experienced one of the most remarkable events of his reign. With only a few soldiers, he plundered the entire city of Seir (v. 6-12). 

     But along the line, the foreign infantry he had hired only to let go attacked his own country. And even though God had helped him in his last battle, God didn't do anything. And the scripture told us why. It says Amaziah picked up the idols of Edom to worship (v.14). And God reproved him saying ‘how could he reverence an object that couldn't even save those people who hadn't ignorantly worshipped it before now? (v.15). But he never listened; and that led to his eventual downfall and demise.

     But seriously what was he expecting? You can't travel the same road and end in a different destination. If God ruined Seir because of their idolatry, didn't he know that would happen to him too? The same thing happens to us. The position we just got assigned to might have been in this case taken away from the previous person because of his excesses, pride and arrogance, and now we are acting in the same manner. We are exhibiting exactly everything he did. In this regard, what do we expect would happen to us? Exactly what happened to him. Simple!

     You see, the loser's syndrome isn't just about having an "I can't" mentality and attitude to life as we all believe, it is about following incessantly the pattern of those who already lost. This is because the practice of the failed will always keep one on the path of failure. That is, if we keep on doing what those who failed God kept doing, we might end up failing Him as well. So we have to change our ways to change our fate; and we can begin by refraining from these odd practices, and keenly follow and do what the Word says. John 13:17 says "If you know these things, happy are you if you do them". So, do right; do right with God!

Dear God, I thank you because you have never left me to fall, and you never will. You have always watched over me, helping me find my feet again whenever I slipped. I ask now that you order my steps in your Word; and that you grant me grace to abide by it every day of my life, in Jesus Name. Amen  


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