Operating Like Andrew

- Operating Like Andrew
"And then you would joyfully carry it home on your shoulders." (Luke 15:5 TLB)
      All through scripture, every time Andrew was spoken about, he was notably involved in doing one thing alone. Three times when he took center stage, what he was found doing was bringing someone to Christ.
     First, he started from home. After his meeting with Christ, he ran home, found his brother Peter, brought him to Jesus, and on that day Peter's life was revolutionized for good forever.
    Second, when the Israelis that sought to hear from Jesus became weary and in need of refreshment, with a young lad among them who had as much as he owned to offer as relief material to Jesus, Andrew stood as a bridge and took the young boy to Jesus; and that event also stands as a seal of Christ's sovereignty till date.
    Third, when some Greeks came to Philip seeking audience with Jesus, Phillip took them to Andrew, who in turn took them to Jesus. In other words, he was always involved in bringing someone to Jesus.
    That's the story of Andrew the Bible leaves us with - the story of a man whose life was bent on taking one person to Christ. And that's exactly what He also expects of us. The Andrew's culture is meant to be a natural Christian lifestyle. Jesus said "Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). He wants us winning souls for Him every day, all day.
    This like Andrew you can do through your words and deeds. You don't need to be a pastor or whatever before you can do so; because if you think you need to be somebody first before you can help anybody, you might as well end up helping nobody. So, you can start from where you are now as Andrew did. Let it simply be the reason for your living. Like the shepherd in our theme scripture who wouldn't rest until he brought the lost sheep home, that was God's attitude towards us, and that's exactly what he wants our attitude towards others to be like. For if we truly love Christ, we would try to bring all He's interested in to Him. And He's interested in men (1 Tim 2:4). Remember, "If you love me, feed my sheep"; or better yet if you love Him, bring them to Him.

Heavenly Father, I know it's your will at all times to see people saved and converted into your Kingdom. And so I ask that you use me as your harvesting tool. Give me a willing heart to desire others saved; and a ready and compelling tongue to take the gospel without fear to those you have prepared for eternal life regardless of where they might be, in Jesus Name. Amen


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