God Understands What You Are Going Through

- God Understands What You Are Going Through
"For since he himself has now been through suffering and temptation, he knows what it is like when we suffer and are tempted, and he is wonderfully able to help us." (Hebrews 2:18 TLB)
     You are not alone even when you think you are. Jesus knows how you feel my friend.
      A lot of times I personally might have lost faith whenever I saw how in spite of the fact that I did 'everything' to please God things still seemed dragged, while others who didn't care a bit about God seemed to be flying fast. And it wasn't because I didn't work harder, it's just unexplainable; and so we assume God failed us. Well He didn't.
     Peter knew things like this would happen and so he tries to comfort us by saying that every child of God passes through the same thing, but that after this temporal suffering, God will settle and perfect all that concerns us (1 Peter 5:9-10). In that same verse, he says God will strengthen us. And that is exactly what He always does. I know you may be going through the same thing; Jesus knows and will help you, because He perfectly understands what you're going through.
     That's what our theme verse says. Hebrews 5:8 also says that "even though Jesus was God's Son, he had to learn from experience what it was like to obey, when obeying meant suffering." (TLB). So He does understand. He went through a hard time also here on earth, but the Father was always there for Him. And now He says you are not an exception. You just have to trust His Word that your faithfulness isn't in vain. He is not unfair in His dealing with us (Hebrews 6:10).
     When I wrote the book "When God's Time Starts To Seem Not Like The Best", I thought God made it possible because of what I had passed through, but it was really because of what I was going to have to pass through. Just like that book has been to me, every day God keeps reminders around us that regardless of what may be going on- and they all assure us that, He will never leave nor forsake us. He understands it all and is completely bent on helping us grow and overcome it all.
     Hear this: "Rest in the Lord; wait patiently for him to act. Don't be envious of evil men who prosper....For the wicked shall be destroyed, but those who trust the Lord shall be given every blessing." (Psalm 37:7-9 TLB). So, trust Him my friend.

The Lord is truly my Shepherd; and so I'm sure of everything I need. He understands everything I'm going through, and have put things in place to support me back to my feet. He knows my future, and sees my present, and has the perfect plan to align them as He has declared it to be. And I know it shall be as He has said it would be. Hallelujah!


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