God Is Not A Secret To Be Kept

- God Is Not A Secret To Be Kept
"Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill." (Matt 5:14 MSG)
       The entire Bible is about God telling a story about one person- Christ, and about how we can rejoice together as one big family at the end if we receive Him. That is the story - that God in Christ came into the world filled with love, died out of love, was buried for love, and rose again through His love for our realignment into His holy family when we choose to trust in Him for our salvation.
       And He wants every other person to know that. Our theme verse says that we are lights that are commissioned to go public like a city on a hill about the truth of God's love for mankind. We are meant to colour the world with the person of God, because everybody deserves a chance to know Him. The scripture gives record of the Gadarene fellow whom upon recovery went to the Ten Towns to spread the truth of God he had just experienced. He knew it would be unfair to keep his story of Jesus all to himself. And so he went, and told it all every day. The same thing with the Apostles.
       Acts 2 tells us how they kept telling the story of the Gospel and many were added to the flock of Christ daily. That's also what He expects from you. Don't keep your story of Jesus all to yourself. Tell somebody; in fact tell everybody. And it's simpler now. You can either go meet a neighbour in person or a stranger in your regular cafĂ©, or you can even use the internet and its social platforms to communicate and spread this wonderful story. The story of a God who loves the people so much that He became one of them, died for them, and arose for their eternal justification. And He's counting on you to keep telling it to everyone who comes in contact with you. Remember, it is He who said "Preach the Word [this story] in season and out of season" (2 Tim 2:2; 4:2). That's proof enough that God doesn't want to be kept a secret; not anymore, and He's commissioned you to make sure He doesn't.

My lips will tell of the goodness of the Lord. I will be an herald of His faithfulness, and a broadcaster of the Gospel of Christ. I have been commissioned to tell this story, and by it bring many into the Kingdom of God; and by the strength of the Spirit within me I shall help pour the realities of heaven into the hearts of men to the glory of God, in Jesus Name. Amen


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