Fill Your Mind And Mouth With Positivity

- Fill Your Mind And Mouth With Positivity
"Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." (Psalm 19:14)
     There are two things in a man's life that can affect his faith either positively or negatively, and thus his general well-being in life. You see, the heart is like a soil from which the outcome of life is defined; and these two things are how we sow. It is the root source of all human realities; and these two things are how we spring them forth. And they are:
(1) His Thoughts: We are what we think, because what we think ultimately determines how we live. Recall Proverbs 23:7, "As a man thinks in his heart, so he is". Little wonder why Paul admonishes us to "think on these things" (Philippians 4:8)- things that are of excellence and praiseworthiness. And to let us know just how important this is, he tells us to emulate Christ (Philippians 2:5). Scripture says that we are the very reflection of Christ, and this it says because it already asserted that we have the mind of Christ; showing us that to truly live as Christ did- in victory all the time, we must first think like Him. Because the content of our thoughts eventually effuse as the outcome of our lives, what we think always matters.
(2) His Language: What you say also matters, because truly what you say defines what you get. In Numbers 14:28, God said that as we have spoken into His ears so shall it be done unto us. So just as creation responds to God's every Word, everything also responds to our words. In fact, words are the greatest working tools in life. Life is like a canvas, and our words are how we paint. David called it a book, and his tongue a readied pen to fill up the pages. You truly can determine what makes up the content of your life. Yes, in fact by your words you do. Furthermore, you must also understand that you only say what you believe, and what you believe is only what you can achieve. The Psalmist said "I believe so I speak". And Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks; and out of the heart are the issues of life. So, they are all interconnected. That's why we are told to avoid wrong communication, because what you say eventually becomes you. Instead we are urged to speak positivity. Isaiah teaches us as being the righteous to always in all things proclaim that it is well (Isaiah 3:10), as the Shunamite woman did. And that's how you should speak every day.
      So, to make the life that has always been yours in the eyes of God, let your thoughts and words align with what the Word says, not what circumstances paint. That's how Jesus lived, and how He expects you to. Remember, everything you've thought and said have led you to this point. If you like what you see, leave it; but if you don't like what you've had thus far, then change it. And you can by changing what you think and what you say.

My mind and mouth are constantly filled with the Word of God. I think it, I speak it, and I definitely live it. As a result, my life aligns with God's design for me every time. And because these aspects of my life are consistently at the center of His will by the Spirit, my life shall be inadvertently at the center of the truth of His Word- which is one of endless victories; to the glory of Jesus. Amen.


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