Divine Power Through Eternal Life

- Divine Power Through Eternal Life 
"Did not become a priest by meeting the old requirement of belonging to the tribe of Levi, but on the basis of power flowing from a life that cannot end." (Hebrews 7:16 TLB)
     Jesus could do everything He did -every healing, every miracle, and every act of love and wisdom- because He had eternal life; and we can also do the same because we have eternal life too. That's where the virtues that distinguished Christ from the rest come from- the life of God in Him. And now we have that.

    The life of God is what enables God to act, live, walk and work as Himself; and so everyone who has the same life can act, live, walk and work in the same dimension as He does. The opening scripture says that Christ is the Messiah not because He belonged to a specific tribe, but because of the power of the life resident in Him. And He said those who receive the same through His Lordship have been given the right to operate in the same way as He (John 1:12). Praise God! 

      This changes everything. At least it should. Because it means that your favour in life, and your greatness, will come not because you belong to a certain race or a specific social or educational class, but because you have the life of God in you. Hallelujah! And this life isn't hereditary, it is imparted by the Holy Spirit upon New Birth (see John 6:63 TLB), and is transcendent beyond the ordinary. And so it works not by the dictates of circumstances, but by the dictates of God. 

     Others may have had their lives controlled by the things around them, but yours is controlled by the Spirit. And so just like Jesus, your welfare isn't dictated by the earth's economy and economics, but by the God who watches over you and meets all your needs. That's the power of eternal life - no longer are you limited by the earth, for all you are works in line with all God is. Remember, by virtue of what Christ has done, we have perfection in us (Hebrews 10:14), now we just have to walk in it. And we can by yielding ourselves and keeping ourselves more open to the power of the life of God in us.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your life that is resident within me, making me fit for heaven and suitable to be called your son/daughter. I thank you for the power that comes with it, and the responsibility. The power to live as Christ did- reflecting your goodness to everyone around me, and the responsibility to draw them to you as He did. This I pray in Jesus Name. Amen


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