The Leper's Faith

- The Leper's Faith
"He looked at them and said, "Go to the Jewish priest and show him that you are healed!" And as they were going, their leprosy disappeared." (Luke 17:14 TLB)
      Jesus told Martha that if she would simply believe in His words, she would see the glory of God (John 11:40). Well, that was what happened to these lepers. In Luke 17:5, the apostles asked Jesus to teach them how to have more faith, but it took ten lepers to answer them. In verse 6, Jesus assured them that if they'd only use what they had already, great things would happen; but however as children of God having faith would require obeying and doing it His way first (v.7-10). And then at that moment He showed them how.
     Ten lepers approached them, seeking for Jesus' intervention. They were the most loathed of society. Nobody would dare come near them. Even the priests who were authorized to examine them also avoided them. Yet they came to Jesus, seeking help from Him. But notice how He responded: He said "Go to the Jewish priest and show him that you are healed!"; and as they obeyed and began to go, they were healed completely. The nine went on to confirm their cleansing before the priest, but one returned to Jesus. And with that Jesus once and for all taught us faith.
     He said to him "Stand up and go, your faith has made you well" (v.19 TLB). Jesus was the one who declared them healed and sent them to the priest, yet He said it was the leper's faith who brought the healing. And what was the leper's interpretation of faith? He heard Jesus' words and obeyed them believing with all his heart that it was so regardless of how much the odds were against him. And that's exactly what He requires of us- the faith that believes enough to obey.
     Some people call it blind faith, but believe me it is always effectual in opening eyes. If you are going to come out of that loathsome situation of yours, this is what you need- the desire and willingness to believe God's Word enough to follow completely whatever it says about you; because in spite of sight, whatever it says about you is you. And doing that is what faith is all about.

Glorious Father, I thank you because you always have the best in mind for me. I trust your every word to be the truth regarding my life. And because your Word says that all things are working together for my good, I believe and know that it shall be so, in Jesus Name. Amen


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