Live A Maximum Life

- Live A Maximum Life
"And another came, saying, Lord, behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin: For I feared thee, because thou art an austere man: thou takest up that thou layedst not down, and reapest that thou didst not sow" (Luke 19:20-21)
    Just like that fellow in our theme scripture, a lot of people are afraid to live as they ought to because they fear losing it all. I have met a couple of people who are reluctant to be in relationships because they wouldn't know how to handle it if the other person were to die or leave at some point. Some are afraid of certain things because of what they've seen others go through.
    Sometimes, that's wisdom, but at other times it is the greatest stupidity. Unpredictability is often times the spice of life. You can't confiscate the present because of a future that may never be. In a Sci-fi thriller, you could do that, but not in real life, because that isn't true living. It is perfect wisdom to prepare the future by working on the prospect of the present, but it is never wisdom to impede the present on the presumption of a future that may never be. And that's what our man in Jesus' story did.
    Scripture says he didn't invest the resources he had because he was scared he would lose it all. He thought he was practicing security, but to God it was an atrocity in the disguise of mediocrity. Even Job almost had this problem. He wouldn't let his sons live away from him because he was scared; but guess what? What he feared still happened. We all have to understand this one indefatigable truth- that we can't control anything. Only God can.
    Thus, the fact that your parents left your when you were little is not an excuse to think you could do the same if eventually you had kids. The fact that no one you know ever lived divorce free is not an excuse to be totally afraid of marriage. The fact that a person abandoned you on the altar is not enough reason to ditch the next opportunity to love again because you're scared of being abandoned again. We can only be certain of a few things in life, the rest we commit into God's hands. And this part is always a good enough reason to live life without fears or impediments.

Lord, I ask for grace to live above my fears; to understand that change is inevitable, to understand that I can't control everything, but still to know that everything that concerns me is secured in your hands. Therefore, in the Name of Jesus, I choose to live maximally every day of my life. Amen.


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