How To Worship

- How To Worship
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1)
      In 2 Chronicles 2:6, Solomon termed the temple "a place to worship him". Remember, he was talking about the Jewish temple he would eventually construct in the heart of Jerusalem; and so when he said worship, he meant the Jewish traditional way of burning incense before Him. But Jesus came and showed us a better way. He taught us how to worship. He said "the hour cometh, when you shall neither in this mountain, nor yet in Jerusalem, worship the Father...but they that worship God must do it in truth and in spirit" (John 4:21-24).
     Worship is not a physical exercise; it's spiritual service. And this is because it is personal. It goes from you to God regardless of place. And so having gifted us with His Holy Spirit, He affirms that we are now His temple of worship- bodily (1 Corinthians 6:19). Thus, just as Solomon saw the temple in Jerusalem as a sacred place of devotion, dedicated to God, God sees us in the same light.
    However, in this case, we don't need to burn literal incense as a sign of worship. This time around everything we do with ourselves in obeisance to Him is our act of worship. This here is the difference between praise and worship. Praise is verbal; it involves speaking of God's reverent nature, while worship is about living in reverence to Him. It is about how you live every day in reverence off the will of God. As such, how you talk, act, react and so on are how we worship. When all we do is subject to His will in devotion, we are worshipping aright.
    Worship isn't about church or being externally religious; it is about complete personal devotion to the Lord. That's why Jesus complained about how the Jews were worshipping God with their lips and not from their hearts (Mark 7:6-7), because worship is not primarily about only what we say or are, but generally about how we live. That's what our theme scripture is about - living in complete congruence with God's will in all facets of life. That is true worship. That is true devotion - that we know Him, love Him and obey Him with all we are, to His glory (Hosea 6:6). Blessed be God!

Lord Jesus, I thank you for helping me by your Spirit to worship you in truth and in spirit. To live in the center of your will, and to be broken from whatever breaks your heart around me. Therefore, I willingly submit myself - spirit, soul and body, for the fulfillment of your purpose in my life, that your name might be glorified. Amen.


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